An x-linked recessive disorder characterized by short stature, and musculoskeletal and genital anomalies.
Incidence: rare (100 cases worldwide)
Age of onset: newborn
Risk factors: familial - x-linked recessive chrom.#: Xq13 gene: ?
genetic defect -> unknown etiology
a. Musculoskeletal Manifestations
1. Short Stature (90%)
- may present prenatally or within the first 1-3 years of life
- parallels growth curve at or <3rd>
2. Facies
- hypertelorism (90%)
- small nose with anteverted nares (90%)
- broad philtrum (85%)
- broad nasal bridge (85%)
- abnormally-shaped auricles (75%)
- widow's peak (60%)
- ptosis (50%)
- others: maxillary hypoplasia, hypodontia, retarded dental eruption, orthodontic problems
3. Limbs
- brachyclinodactyly (80%)
- broad feet with bulbous toes (75%)
- simian crease (70%)
- syndactyly (60%)
- others: hyperextension of PIP joints & flexion of DIP joints
b. Genitourinary Manifestations
- 'shawl' scrotum (80%)
- cryptorchidism (75%)
- inguinal hernia (60%)
c. Ophthalmologic Manifestations
- hyperopic astigmatism
- large corneas
- ophthalmoplegia
- strabismus
4. Other Manifestations
- delayed puberty
- mild pectus excavatum
- prominent umbilicus
Imaging Studies : Skeletal X-Rays --> delayed bone age
Supportive :
- no treatment for disease
- normal lifespan
- multidisciplinary approach
- Paediatrics
- Surgery for cryptorchidism and inguinal hernia
- genetic counselling
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