Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

What kind of midwife do I want to be?

All of the posts about breastfeeding, discussions with friends about breastfeeding and then listening to qualified midwives talk about breastfeeding got me to thinking about what kind of midwife I want to be. I don't have these grand illusions that I can get every woman breastfeeding their babies. I don't think I can change the world after all. So what can I do? What kind of difference can I make?

Well this is my dream....I want to support those women that do want to breastfeed. I want to help them have skin to skin with their babies, to breastfeed as soon as possible after the birth of their babies. I want to make sure that women know where and how to access support should they want and/or need it. I want to provide women with accurate information, without ramming it down their throats. Then following this, I hope that gradually more and more woman have a positive breastfeeding experience, and that this drip feeds to more and more women, that breastfeeding can be easy and enjoyable. That breastfeeding becomes commonplace to be seen everywhere and that women can learn by example, just like women used to do.

I also want to ensure women know about their choices for birth - whether that is where to give birth, what position to give birth in or whether it is how to still feel in control should they need a Caesarean delivery. I want to be able to support women in their choices without cynicism. Of course, I also want to be able to know what to do in the event of an emergency, or when things don't go to plan. And when things don't go to plan, I still want to be able to support women in their choices. I want to be able to help women know what their choices are. I want them to still be able to have a positive birth experience knowing everything possible was done.

I have no doubt that some people think my dreams are daft, that I am aiming too high. But if I can support one woman, help one woman to feel that I made a difference, then it's a start. I am writing this in the hope that I don't forget my dreams; that I remember what is in important to me and that I try and keep to it as much as I can. I'll aim for making a tiny difference and hope that I succeed.

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